Friday, 28 November 2014

Believer to an Atheist

               I have never been a very religious person as per Indian society standards. No weekly temple visits, no weekly fasts. I come from a very liberal family where religion was never forced upon me. I imbibed whatever I experienced throughout my life.

              As a child I studied in a convent and thus my introduction to Jesus. My school campus itself was huge with a grotto and a chapel where every child could visit. The silence and the peace that you experience in a church was what drew me to Jesus. Even today if I enter a church I feel immensely at peace. Every morning prayer started with glory and praise to the Lord. Weekly there were catechism classes for Christian children and the rest were taught moral values. I always envied my christian friends as to why alone they were taught the Bible. Why were we left out ? This question often haunted me. But today when I look back I feel my school did me a favor. They helped us grow our own beliefs as a children. May be that is why Jesus and Mary still hold a special place in my heart.

            I realized the favor that my school had done was more evident a  few months ago when a neighbor who is an ardent Christian started preaching me about Christianity. She kept telling how there is only one God - ¨"Jesus" and how what we as Hindus worshiped deities were nothing but Devils or Satans to be more specific. People those who worship Satan will go to hell in your after life."  Truly speaking I am least concerned about what will happen to me after this life. I would rather think about the current one. Religion being forced or preached is appalling and revolting.

         What I had believed till now is that there is an universal force and whichever temple, church I have visited I have prayed to the same God. Be is Shiva, Parvati, Krishna, Jagannath, Ganapati, Jesus,Vaishodevi or Tirupati. To me the names never have been any specific importance.  

         Past few years have been testing times for my family. People who have children with disability would know how difficult it is to raise special children. I myself never realized and I guess few do unless one faces it. My niece was diagnosed with autism 2 years back. It has been a struggle for the child, the parents, grand parents and immediate family. Simple things like speaking, toileting , socializing, schooling have been a continuous struggle.

         When I left my job few months back I joined this organization working with autistic children. The few months I have spent there I have realized how difficult a life it is for all these kids and their parents. What is there future ? Are they considered a part of our society ? These are the same questions which every parent with a special child would keep thinking. Today when I see my sister spending sleepless nights thinking over her child's future. When I see that she is not the only one. There are many innocent kids and parents facing the same trauma. I would like to ask whether there is actually any God ?  All this pain and torture to innocent kids can only be the work of a heartless creator. Somehow I don't believe the law of Hindu karma. Why punish a person for deeds he is not aware of. I see many wicked and villainous people get away with fraud, robbery, murder, rape etc. Why not punish them.

I would rather believe there is no God rather than believe that that a creator can be so heartless and ruthless.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thought provoking..... the reason these rules (like Karma and Chakras) are created to maintain society in place..... otherwise someone who is born in a poor family will go and rob the rich one...because we (richer class) tell them..... See if you do good things in this life then you would get a better life next time... in the same way like you got this one for your bad deeds done in your previous life ..... its all hocum.....
    And that's why we didn't ALLOW lower casts to read these religious texts.....else they will start Question and that would not be good for the Chosen Ones......

    I rarely find people who are so open about their Atheist beliefs ... and brave enough to publish it on SNS .... bravo ...

    Keep writing....

    1. It is motivating for me to write more knowing that people are reading my stuff.Thanks !

    2. Shubu!! totally touched by ur writing!!! we bring new lives with a hope to see the next generation after us.Cant say its fault of the creator or the creation except for cursing luck n god!!! As per my upbrngnings I was never a facilitator of religious traditions But yes when we r helpless we do pray someone who is believed to be superior than all of us!!! harsh reality being not many ppl do fasts or visit temple without a definite wish or wish getting fullfilled or even just as a forced tradition followed since time :) a joke actually.. wrt to children having difficulties even some parents give off to escape from daily tention of handling them.. sad about it. rather help them with your buffer potentials and win hearts.A smile can pay you more than money. .I believe its one life to do it or not.. rather offering gifts and perks to god its always been fair to help needy ones.. I rem spending 1000 rupees for feeding old beggers with my 1st salary instead of offering it to god.. it was a suggestion of my dad who is no more.. I had to contradict my Mother in law then and face some hard times too.. but Always did n followed my heart..Happy to know few Indian families inculcate such generous idead among chidren.. i can call this modernism rather than straightening hair n wearing a tight jeans in today's date :D :D cheers !!!

    3. Well said Suchi.can't agree more.
