Wednesday, 7 January 2015

PK Flak..over hype/ prey of religious fanaticism ?

             The most awaited movie of the year "PK" turned out to be a turn down. Not because it questioned religious beliefs of the people but it did not meet the comedy and the uniqueness standards of Raju Hirani. Though it managed few genuine jokes and also raised some relevant questions about our religious excesses. It was not flawless as his previous works. I remember watching Raju Hirani's movies multiple times and each time the movie seemed fresh. I left the theater with a feel good factor. On the contrary PK concept though a bold take was not fresh. The plot of " Oh My God" was a much better scripted version which also questioned the same views. The love triangle seemed unnecessary and the Anushka was a disappointment. As an audience her changed look drew more attention than her acting.
           I may not have liked PK as much as I would have wanted to. I applaud the director for making a movie on questioning religious superstitions and unnecessary customs which have no relevant meaning. Bravo for the risk he took. In a world (not only India) which is ready to fight, bomb, kill in the name of religion it was definitely a huge risk he took. He stepped on the wrong foot of the religious fanatics. When I started writing my blog. One of my close friends advised me write whatever you want just don't hurt the religious sentiments of anyone. I guess all this flak for PK is receiving from false religious guru's and people is because religion is a topic no one is allowed to touch. However irrelevant our customs and practices may be no one is allowed to question or rationalize it.
        When I see the so called religious guru's fool educated people with tricks and abuse the sanctity of the pupil-guru relationship. I think the director did a good work in questioning the falsity and hypocrisy of religion in today's world. Would personally like religion to be rather discussed in the open than just be a personal thing which can not be talked, rationalized or debated.

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